型号:Nuc Scout
Nuc Scout是一款既可快速实现γ剂量率检测, 又可长时间的测量7种放射性核素 (由用户选择预设)的活度。 用户可自行设置测量周期。 每个测量周期的完整能谱记录均储存在其内部插拔式SD储存卡内。
手提式碘化钠伽玛谱仪NucScout内置的GPS接收器可用于现场定位数据的收集。 Nuc Scout的参数设置可根据用户需求自行调校, 以适应其对任意几何外形样品测量的实际需要。如果需要,仪器还可以内嵌ZigBee无线网络接口, 实现与数百米外的基站或电脑进行实时数据通信。
手提式碘化钠伽玛谱仪NucScout典型应用包括:搜索隐藏放射源;基于地理信息的大区域放射污染的扫描与筛选(GIS), 放射过程监控,用于建材、食品、核医学等的放射性测量。
手提式碘化钠伽玛谱仪NucScout由2部分组成, 其一为2" × 2"碘化钠闪烁体探测器外加橡皮握手, 其二为电子控制单元盒,其通过插口被固定在橡皮握手上,可根据需求拆卸, 使用者能将探测器放置于接近放射 源的任意位置,而不必担心受仪器整体体积约束。 同时可选配件支架,用于马林杯样品测量。 更大的探测器体积意味着更低的探测下限,即使微弱的放射活度也能被轻易探测到。 而大面积触摸显示屏也使得仪器的操作变得更加简便。
手提式碘化钠伽玛谱仪NucScout内建算法, 除了能谱峰识别(PSV,Peak Shape Verification)算法用于核素识别之外, 还包括Trapez法用于刻度校验。
手提式碘化钠伽玛谱仪NucScout套装包含一整套软件包,可进行数据下载、结果显示、数据输出和仪器参数设置。 并且包含可快速,简便, 直观的探头刻度工具(能量,峰宽,探测效率), 以及核素库管理。 仪器与PC的连接可通过USB或者选配无线网络进行。
Nuc Scout :: Dose rate meter and nuclide identifier
The Nuc Scout monitors the local dose rate as well as the activity of up to 28 user selectable nuclides. The results are available as time distribution over the whole sampling period. The sampling interval can be adjusted by the user. A complete energy spectrum is saved for each interval on the internal memory card.
The unit is equipped with an integrated GPS receiver which allows the local assignment of the acquired data.
The Nuc Scout can be calibrated by the user, so by the way it is possible to determine the detector efficiency for any sampling geometry which can be used later on.
The instrument comes with a ZigBee wireless network interface to transfer recent data over several hundred meters to a “base station” computer.
Typical applications are searching for hidden radioactive sources, screening of large contaminated areas based on GIS solutions, process monitoring, tests of building materials or food, and nuclear medicine.
The robust and handsome 2" × 2” NaI detector is fixed to the ergonomic handle while the electronic box can be removed from the handle by a bayonet catch. This allows the user to place the detector in any position to the radioactive source. A sampling table for operation with Marinelli beakers is available. The large detector volume results in a low detection limit so that even weak sources can be found. The wide touch screen makes the operation of the unit comfortable and shows results and spectra even in bright sun light.
The Nuc Scout offers two different algorithms for the activity calculation of the several nuclides. The user may decide between the powerful PSV (peak shape verification) algorithm and the well-known trapezoid method (e.g. for calibration purposes).
A comprehensive software package for data download, result presentation, data export, and instrument configuration is included into the delivery. A number of tools offer a fast, easy and intuitive detector calibration based on reference sources (energy, peak-width, efficiency) as well as the complete library management. Remote control of the unit is possible via the integrated USB or wireless network.
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