
Solinst 103 型标记线是一种多用途解决方案,用于泵部署、测量井底深度或井下采样器和数据记录器的支撑线。
PVDF 扁平胶带版本:每 1/100 英尺或每毫米标记一次
Solinst 103 型标记线使用附在激光标记电缆上的重物,该电缆安装在坚固的独立式卷轴上。1/16" (1.6 mm) 不锈钢绞线主要用于安装监测井以测量井底深度,或回填砂或膨润土层顶部的深度。
103 型标语线:
Solinst Tag Line使用附在激光标记电缆或胶带上的重物,主要设计用于安装监测井期间使用。标语线还提供了一种简单的方法来测量井底的深度。
Tag Line 非常适合在安装 Solinst 403 型CMT 多级系统时使用,因为您可以在完井期间轻松测量回填砂或膨润土层顶部的深度。它也是多用途标记支撑线的理想选择。
PVDF 激光打标胶带:
103 型标签线还提供 3/8" (10 mm) PVDF 扁平胶带。该胶带的断裂强度大于 220 lbs (100 kg)。它具有厚的狗骨设计,可防止粘附在潮湿的表面上, 并让它直挂。

胶带每 1/100 英尺或每毫米带有激光标记。长度为 100 英尺至 1000 英尺(30 m 至 300 m)。其他长度可根据要求提供。
LM2:英尺和十分之一:每 1/100 英尺标记一次。

标准不锈钢标签重量为 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg),尺寸为
3/4" x 1 ft. (19 mm x 30 cm)。窄标签重量为 1/2" x 1 ft. (13 mm x 30 cm) ),重量为 0.65 磅(0.30 千克),也是一种选择。标签重物具有锥形末端,以**限度地减少部署和返回表面期间的挂起,并且可以夹在电缆或胶带上或从电缆或胶带上夹下来。这允许将卷轴安装的标记电缆或胶带用于其他用途。


Used to ensure accurate placement of backfill; bailer deployment, safety cable for pumps and packers
Cable version: Laser marked every 1/4 ft. or every 5 cm
PVDF Flat Tape version: marked every 1/100 ft. or each mm
Convenient detachable stainless steel weights
The Solinst Model 103 Tag Line uses a weight attached to a laser marked cable, which is mounted on a sturdy free-standing reel. The 1/16" (1.6 mm) stranded stainless steel wire line is primarily used during the installation of monitoring wells to measure depth to the bottom of a well, or the depth to the top of a backfill sand or bentonite layer.
Model 103 Tag Line:
The Solinst Tag Line uses a weight attached to a laser marked cable or tape, and is principally designed for use during the installation of monitoring wells. The Tag Line also provides a simple method to measure the depth to the bottom of a well.
The Tag Line is perfect for use when installing Solinst Model 403 CMT Multilevel Systems, as you can easily measure the depth to the top of a backfill sand or bentonite layer during the completion of a well. It is also ideal as a multi-purpose marked support line.
The cable or tape is mounted on a sturdy free-standing reel with a carrying handle, weight holder and brake.
Laser Marked Cable:
The Tag Line uses durable polyethylene coated 1/16" (1.6 mm) stranded stainless steel wireline with a minimum break strength of 270 lbs (122 kg). It comes in standard lengths of 100 ft. to 1000 ft. (30 m to 300 m). Other lengths are available by request.
Markings are clearly and accurately laser etched every 1/4 foot or every 5 centimeters of the cable. The laser markings allow the cable to run smoothly over the Tape Guide
PVDF Laser Marked Tape:
The Model 103 Tag Line is also available with 3/8" (10 mm) PVDF flat tape. The tape has a break strength of greater than 220 lbs (100 kg). It has a thick dog bone design that prevents adherence to wet surfaces, and allows it to hang straight.
The tape comes with laser markings every 1/100 ft. or each millimeter. Lengths are 100 ft to 1000 ft. (30 m to 300 m). Other lengths are available by request.
LM2: Feet and tenths: with markings every 1/100 ft.
LM3: Meters and centimeters: with markings every mm
Tape Guide:
A Tape Guide is provided with each Tag Line. It can be placed over the top of the well casing for ease of use and to protect from damage on rough edges. It can also increase reading accuracies.
316 Stainless Steel Tag:
The standard stainless steel tag weight is 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg) and measures
3/4" x 1 ft. (19 mm x 30 cm). A narrow tag weight, 1/2" x 1 ft. (13 mm x 30 cm), weighing 0.65 lbs (0.30 kg), is also an option. Tag weights have tapered ends to minimize hang-ups during deployment and return to surface, and can be clipped on and off the cable or tape. This allows the use of the reel-mounted marked cable or tape for other uses.
Applications Where Tag Lines Are Useful:
Accurately measure depth to backfill during well construction
Measured safety support line for deployment of pumps, bailers, samplers and packers