磁带长度可达 5000 英尺 (1500 m)
101D落差式水位计具有与101P7 型水位计相同的所有功能,并具有新的下降模式的额外好处,所有这些都在一个单元中。在 DrawDown 模式下,探头在空气中而不是在水中发出信号。如果您需要知道井中的水位何时下降,这是一个很棒的功能。101D 水位下降计还使用我们的激光标记扁平胶带,标准长度为 1000 英尺(300 米)。

磁带长度可达 5000 英尺 (1500 m)
具有与 101 P7 水位计相同的坚固潜水探头

卷筒工作温度: -20°C 至 +50°C
浸没工作温度(胶带/探头): -20°C 至 +80°C
接液材料(胶带/探针): PVDF、山都平、Delrin、Viton、316 不锈钢
探头压力等级: 潜水至 1000 英尺 (300 m)
探头重量: 约 4.5 盎司(128 克)
探头尺寸: 5/8" 直径,5.38" 长 (16 mm x 137 mm)
卷盘 IP 等级: IP64(防尘防溅)
101D 水位下降计使用耐腐蚀和耐化学腐蚀的扁平胶带。胶带不拉伸,抗拉强度高。厚实的狗骨设计可防止粘附在潮湿的表面上,并使胶带可以笔直悬挂。它也易于维修和拼接。3/8" (10 mm) 胶带每 1/100 英尺或每毫米带有永久性激光标记,长度可达 5000 英尺 (1500 m)。
LM2:英尺和十分之一:每 1/100 英尺标记一次。

磁带精度符合 NIST 和欧盟测量标准
Solinst 101D 水位下降计有以下标准长度可供选择:
小卷轴 100 英尺 30米 中卷轴 500 英尺 150米
200 英尺 60米 750 英尺 250米
300 英尺 100米 1000 英尺 300米
长度可达 5000 英尺 (1500 m)
101D 使用与 101 P7 水位计相同的探头,可潜水至 1000 英尺 (300 m)。探头尖端的传感器提供一致的测量,几乎为零位移。探头上包含一个保护罩。胶带密封塞设计允许在需要时快速轻松地更换探头。

Both static water level and drawdown modes in one meter
One convenient toggle makes it easy to switch between the two functions
Tape lengths up to 5000 ft. (1500 m)
The New 101D Water Level Draw Down Meter, which has all of the same features as our Model 101P7 Water Level Meter, with the added benefit of the new Drawdown Mode, all in one unit. When in DrawDown mode the probe signals in air instead of water. This is a great feature if you need to know when levels in a well are dropping. The 101D Water Level DrawDown Meter also uses our Laser Marked Flat Tape, with standard lengths to 1000 ft (300m).
Applications Ideal for the Water Level DrawDown Meter:
Depth to water in wells, boreholes, standpipes and tanks
Drawdown monitoring during:
Low flow groundwater sampling
Well development and purging
Dewatering applications
Pumping, slug, hydraulic conductivity, step and other aquifer/well tests
Water Level DrawDown Meter Features:
Both static water level and drawdown modes in one Meter
One convenient toggle makes it easy to switch between two functions
Uses very durable, accurately laser marked flat tape
Tape lengths up to 5000 ft. (1500 m)
Replacement tapes are interchangeable with other Meters
Has the same robust, submersible probe as the 101 P7 Water Level Meter
Water Level DrawDown Meter Specifications:
Operating temperature of reel: -20°C to +50°C
Submerged operating temperature (tape/probe): -20°C to +80°C
Wetted materials (tape/probe): PVDF, Santoprene, Delrin, Viton, 316 stainless steel
Probe pressure rating: Submersible to 1000 ft. (300 m)
Probe weight: ~4.5 ounces (128 g)
Probe size: 5/8" dia., 5.38" long (16 mm x 137 mm)
Reel IP rating: IP64 (dust and splash proof)
Laser Marked Flat Tape:
The 101D Water Level DrawDown Meter uses corrosion and chemical-resistant flat tape. The tape is non-stretch and high in tensile strength. The thick dog bone design prevents adherence to wet surfaces and allows the tape to hang straight. It is also easy to repair and splice. The 3/8" (10 mm) tape comes with permanent laser markings every 1/100 ft. or each millimeter, in lengths up to 5000 ft. (1500 m).
LM2: Feet and tenths: with markings every 1/100 ft.
LM3: Meters and centimeters: with markings every mm
Tape accuracy meets NIST and EU measurement standards.
Standard Length Options:
The Solinst 101D Water Level DrawDown Meter is available in the following standard lengths:
Small Reel 100 ft. 30 m Medium Reel 500 ft. 150 m
200 ft. 60 m 750 ft. 250 m
300 ft. 100 m 1000 ft. 300 m
Lengths available to 5000 ft. (1500 m).
Water Level DrawDown Probe:
The 101D uses the same probe as the 101 P7 Water Level Meter, which is submersible up to 1000 ft. (300 m). The sensor at the tip of the probe provides consistent measurements with almost zero displacement. A protective shroud is included on the probe. The tape seal plug design allows the probe to be quickly and easily replaced if required.
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