Solinst 615 型驱动点渗压计有一个倒钩接头,允许连接 5/8" OD x 1/2" ID (16 mm x 12 mm) LDPE 或 Teflon 样品管。

615 型驱动点渗压计是一种经济实惠的方法,可在合适的条件下监测浅层地下水和土壤蒸汽。
驱动点连接到便宜的 3/4" (20 mm) NPT 不锈钢驱动管。驱动点设计用于一次性安装,不用于拆卸和重复使用。索林斯特驱动点渗压计通常作为永久性安装井点。它们也可以用于临时的、短期的监测应用。
Solinst 驱动点渗压计可以通过任何直接推动或钻孔技术(包括手动滑锤)进入地下。为避免在安装过程中堵塞或弄脏屏幕,还提供屏蔽版本。615 个 ML 端口为一个驱动器中多达 6 个区域的多级监控提供了选项。

地下水采样,包括 VOC
615N 简易井点
615 带刺配件;1/2" ID 管道到表面
窄直径 水位监测

615 型驱动点渗压计在 3/4" (20 mm) 不锈钢驱动点主体内有一个不锈钢 50 目圆柱形过滤网(ML 为 100 目)、筛网支架和一个可选配件,用于连接样品管。
615 具有用于 5/8" OD x 1/2" ID (16 mm x 12 mm) LDPE 或 PTFE 内衬样品管的内部倒钩接头。这可以防止样品水接触加长杆,并保持较高的样品完整性,即使使用廉价的镀锌钢加长杆也是如此。

The Model 615 Drive-Point Piezometer is designed as an affordable method to monitor shallow groundwater and soil vapor in suitable conditions.
The Drive-Points attach to inexpensive 3/4" (20 mm) NPT stainless steel drive pipe. The Drive-Points are designed for single use installations, and not for removal and reuse. Solinst Drive-Point Piezometers are most often installed as permanent well points. They can also be used for temporary, short term monitoring applications.
Higher quality samples can be obtained when polyethylene or PTFE-lined tubing is attached to the stainless steel drive-point. Groundwater sampling and hydraulic head measurements can be taken within the tubing using small diameter equipment.
Solinst Drive-Point Piezometers can be driven into the ground with any direct push or drilling technology, including the Manual Slide Hammer. To avoid clogging or smearing of the screen during installation, a shielded version is also available. 615 ML ports provide the option for multilevel monitoring for up to 6 zones in one drive.
High-resolution vertical profiling
Groundwater sampling, including VOCs
Multilevel groundwater monitoring
Water level monitoring
Base flow monitoring in stream beds
Contaminant plume delineations
Soil gas sampling
UST monitoring
Low cost and minimal disturbance site assessment
Sparge points
Vertical stratigraphy profiling
High Quality Samples:
Model 615 Drive-Point Piezometers have a stainless steel, 50 mesh cylindrical filter-screen (100 mesh for ML), within a 3/4" (20 mm) stainless steel drive-point body, screen support and an optional fitting for attachment of sample tubing.
The 615 N or 615 SN, designed without a tubing barb, is to be used for water level measurements. This saves money and provides better access for Water Level Meters.
The 615 or 615 S has an inner barbed fitting for 5/8" OD x 1/2" ID (16 mm x 12 mm) LDPE or PTFE-lined sample tubing. This prevents sample water from contacting the extension rods, and maintains high sample integrity, even when inexpensive galvanized steel extensions are used.
The 615 C is ideal for soil vapor sampling. Where an air-tight connection is most desirable, the compression fitting option allows users to attach 1/4" OD (6 mm) sample tubing directly to the top of the screened portion of the drive-point.
The 615 S and 615 SN shielded drive points have a single use, 1-1/2" (38 mm) dia. shield to avoid smearing and plugging of the screen during installation. The strengthened connector at the top of the drive-point acts as an annular seal, which avoids contamination from higher levels in the hole.
The 615 ML Multilevel Drive-Point Ports have a dual barb stem to allow the connection of 3/8" OD (9.5 mm) or 1/4" OD (6 mm) tubing. The 615 ML uses the same couplings and extensions as the standard 615 Piezometers, but with a Drive-Point Tip to thread onto the first extension, or Port. Formation water enters the port, passes into the stem, and up into the monitoring tube attached to the stem to its static level. The 615 ML is also a good option for high resolution profiling of soil gas, or groundwater.
Solinst Drive-Point Piezometers are available in five different configurations; the 615 with a barbed fitting, the 615 N with no barbed fitting, the 615 C with a compression fitting, the 615 S with a barbed fitting and shield, the 615 SN with a shield and no barbed fitting, and the 615 ML with a dual barb port stem.
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